Everyone likes to pose (odd Indeed)
I was shocked to find in work today that everyone I asked for a photo of actually decided to pose, wanting for paparazzi leight to take a photo of them, maybe becuase its the fact that they know that theyre photo will go a long way and not be stuck in the back of someones computer as load of mindless forgetfull data ( I know i'm a hippocrate).
So here they are lovely poses from some nice Dvla staff :
Mark how he's changed so much since I last saw him, he dissapeared for a while onto a different team. But now he's made sweet revenge by makeing a come back into my life, I get to see his face every morning. For some odd reason he always seems to be happy and full of life, I suppose people love him for it, I know I do ( there is in fact not many people in Dvla that are like mark,NOT MANY)
mmmm, what can I say about, ammmm Whats his name, Oh that's it Rodney, No ammm Dave, Oh no thats not his name ammmmmm, let me think Oh thats it Shaggy
Well what ever you like to call him. Since makeing a new apperance on my ex team, my personal opinion on him as to be the fact that he is so layed back ( he seems like a student, with a DVL sort of student life style to him). My first inpressions when I saw 'Tom' (yippee I remembered his name) I thought oh my fuc*&%$ god its shaggy of scooby doo. Then I approached him and mentioned to him that he looked like shaggy in a tactfull way cause Im good like that I know I can do it and get away with being cheeky. hee hee hee.......H e then gave me fuel by mentioning
that most people call him rodney ( wrong move ....mwahhaa haha haha ha)
This is Mark ( Rebel ), The name rebel sprung to mind when I was scanning with him one time and found that considering all the people who in fact DIDNT know him said that 'he was a lovely boy etc etc etc' ha ha ha little did they know that in fact deep down under a real real nice boy was a bastard rebel dying get out and when I saw this loveley posing photo of him I could see him as Darth maul all over to the spikes and down to the glare of the rebel Eyes (look at him)
So here they are lovely poses from some nice Dvla staff :

Well what ever you like to call him. Since makeing a new apperance on my ex team, my personal opinion on him as to be the fact that he is so layed back ( he seems like a student, with a DVL sort of student life style to him). My first inpressions when I saw 'Tom' (yippee I remembered his name) I thought oh my fuc*&%$ god its shaggy of scooby doo. Then I approached him and mentioned to him that he looked like shaggy in a tactfull way cause Im good like that I know I can do it and get away with being cheeky. hee hee hee.......H e then gave me fuel by mentioning
that most people call him rodney ( wrong move ....mwahhaa haha haha ha)

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